Please note! Because of the incredible success of the original DFY SEO Red Carpet opening, and because JImmy's maps have been SO QUICKLY SUCCESSFUL, we've re-opened registration for getting your City SEO site done for you!

All new DFY sites are configured for Jimmy maps rapid success! This is a limited time offer, so don't wait!!

Jimmy News, Tim, Jason, Debarshi, and OMG Discord!

Please note! To get Tim’s service, contact me at, +1 858.699.2747 text or WhatsApp message, Skype: Area51Lifestyle. Same for Jason and Debarshi’s DFY service for your SEO clients. For Jason and Debarshi’s DFY City SEO website, scroll down to the sales letter that I’ve written for you!

Tim, Over The Shoulder Sales Presentation Set Up!

Screenshot 2024-04-22 at 1.21.35 PM
  • Click here to join OMG Discord for our new city on a hill community platform, with support, interaction, weekly meetup events, the opportunity to discuss and even do sales rollplay in text or voice in a fast paced, valuable setting. We've got Sunday Funday coming up at 12 PM Eastern (9 AM Pacific, 5 PM in London!) and Tycoon Tuesday at 7 PM Eastern (4 PM Pacific, midnight London!) where we'll especially have a lot of energy in the group!
  • To get Jimmy's maps, or to get Tim's maps, contact me at, text me at +1 858.699.2747 (whatsapp or phone) or hit me on Skype at Area51Lifestyle.
  • To get Jason and Debarshi's help with a sensational Done For You City SEO and City Web Design optimized website, to get client leads beating a path to your door, both on your own, and with Jimmy's help, scroll down and read the sales letter I shared, and the link provided below, with your options to join at an INCREDIBLE price. Jason and Debarshi can also very importantly do done for you services, to allow you to offer clients websites! To get started with them you can also contact me, so I can introduce you, if you don't already know one or both of them!

Jimmy Kelley!

Here's the rundown:

Done For You: City SEO Website On Webflow!

This is the method So Many Like Luke Gray Have Used To Make Their First Six Figures!

From the desks of: Mike Long
Founder of OMG Machine
To All,

When I hold live events it’s a custom of mine to ask how people are doing with what they’ve learned from us, and from software we’ve provided.

It all started when David Mills and I were taking a long walk, during the planning for the first Original OMG LIVE, starring Jimmy Kelley and Russell Wright.

I shared a vision that popped into my head during the walk, of me taking the daring move of asking whom in the room had been able to pay for their ticket to the event, $2000 per person, plus their trip to Franklin, Tennessee, with earnings from what they had learned in our OMG SEO coaching program.

There was a gasp in the room when I actually asked the question and you saw most of the room raise their hands.

The next year was even better. Especially because almost everybody who attended OMG LIVE the year before and were totally blown away with Jimmy Kelley and Russell returned and this time it was almost everybody.

I also spend a lot of time one on one at my live events. It’s a pleasure. Part of it is accurately recognizing the excellence of our members. Part of it is learning about the kinks people are running into – either so I can quickly correct them if I already know the answer, or to look for a better way forwards for everybody if I currently don’t.

It was at that second Jimmy Kelley and Russell Wright blowtorch Original OMG LIVE 2014 event that I realized something big.

As I said, there were very few people at the second event that hadn’t already made a boatload of money from being in the orbit David Mills and I were creating around Jimmy and Russell.

But I realized something big, that helped me help others make millions and millions, by talking to the people at the event that hadn’t yet gotten over the edge to having stacks of cash from intersecting with us yet.

There was a question I realized to ask – both to the successful members and the unsuccessful yet members.

"Did you set up your city SEO website yet?"

Guess what?

All of the people having success had. I mean maybe not 1 or 2. But if there was 1 or 2 I can’t remember.

What about the people struggling? Not 1 single currently struggling person had set up their City SEO site.

Not a 1.

I kid you not.

To this day it’s one of the most astonishing split test results that, along with with David Mills, in the $100,000,000 worth of highly impactful member benefit stuffed success, we’ve personally realized.

And this wasn’t just in 2014 I asked this question. To this day, if you’ve met me at one of my live events I’ve almost certainly asked how things are going for you, and along with that it’s extremely likely I nudged you to find out if you had built your City SEO site, and how that was going.

It’s sort of my 1-2 punch.

But it’s not just that.

You see in asking everybody how their City SEO sites are currently going, I stumbled across another fine fact.

Did you know that there are many, many people I’ve inspired to build City SEO sites making between 5-figures per month and even 6 figures per month to this day, if you JUST count the money from inbound leads from that site?

True story!

I’m not talking about fish stories, like 1 member who one month got really lucky and front loaded 1 big deal for 100k.

I’m talking about a LOT of people in the David Mills umbrella universe whom have found out about this method and taken it to this ridiculous extreme with making over $100,000 per month, month after month.

And when you start to factor in the people who used their City SEO site as a springboard, now you’re talking about literally DOZENS and DOZENS of people in the 6-figure per month range.

Take Luke Gray. He ranked his site #4 for Adelaide SEO when he first met me. Result? The result was a $40,000 per month springboard of clients on the way to his current $280,000 per month agency!

And it’s not just agency guys who thrived. $10,000,000 SEO Affiliate and Ecom legend, Alex Gould built his City SEO site for Baltimore when he got started. Clients as big as $4000 per month rolled right in.

There's so many examples.

Some few even exclusively use their City SEO website for money getting and hit 6-figures per month, month after month, year after year.

When I ask them they say that between answering the phone and playing with family and friends their calendar is over stuffed.

But then here comes Jimmy Kelley with his Magic Money Box software, which will become available for access to my exclusive community February 7th 2024, now the stakes are way up.

Without going into a whole another sales letter about Jimmy, lets just say he spent $10,000,000 of his own money, that he all made with SEO, to build it.

And he built it to forever slam the door shut on SEO competition.

So here I am, in the few short weeks leading up to the SEO news of forever…saying to myself what is the very best way to set people in David Mills and my orbit up for massive success.

And darned if I don’t keep coming back to building your City SEO site.

Of course given such a bold boast you may ask what it is that makes the city SEO site such a near 1-to-1 correlation with members success and I would say, thank you for asking!

Here are just a few of the top level reasons:

That’s why I asked Luke and others like Jimmy and Russell to rally around Jason Shaffer and Debarshi because speaking of zero doubt, there’s nobody better to leap you forwards with that.

The reason I asked Luke, Jimmy, Russell and many others to rally around Jason and Debarshi is to make it possible for them to present you this particular, very likely one time only offer to you, at the astonishingly low price – and that’s before you get to the radically generous payment plan, to the point where Jason and Debarshi are putting their own wallet on the line for you.

(So please take our extraordinary generous and easy to meet payment plan, our no refund policy, and the intention behind both VERY seriously, because if not you’re really abusing Jason and Debasrhi’s trust, and everybody involved, and you or anybody in any way associated with you (we’re keeping a careful list) won’t be welcome any more in this really amazing SEO universe with us all ever again.)

What do you get from Jason, Debarshi and the incredible team like Luke – not to mention your opportunity to use your City SEO site as the first target for blowing up your Google rankings for your City SEO site with Jimmy’s Magic Money Box SEO software?

I’ll get into the specifics in a moment. But I couldn’t help read and reread the last paragraph I just gave you. Because it’s a sort of scroll down to the order button and buy moment, in my humble opinion. (Rather than having some look up imho lol)

Before I get to the detailed rundown, let’s have a look at the context of the situation. First off with this mind blowing webby with Jimmy wow are you in the right place and time.

The mind blowing rankings and methodology!

All of that can be promised by your agency to clients, and/or used in your own ventures, so long as you act pleasant at all times towards Jimmy and you don’t totally screw over somebody in David Mills and my orbit, like Jason and Debarshi.

One last question before the specifics: What are Jason and Debarshi doing for people like Jimmy, Luke and Alex to make them such a priority, to stack this offer on your behalf?

How about because, for example with Jimmy, he knows you’re going to land some massive SEO client to partner with him on, or Amazon. Or both. Or be a massive client yourself for one or both.

Likewise Luke and Alex know that many people reading this letter are going to laugh to the bank with their help with agencies, or with affiliate/Google Ecom!

Final disclaimer: This is not in any way a replacement for the total SHOCK AND AWE Jimmy is unleashing with Magic Money Box on February 7th!

It’s an accelerator for sure! And a genius idea to do! But it’s not standing in the place of what will no doubt become a glorious pillar in the history of the online money-getting world with many many millionaires giving thanks.

And of course Jimmy, Luke and Alex will rejoice at the fact that you’re not only the owner of an updated valuable City SEO site, but poised at the controls to do the work needed to rule the digital world.

As in: With Jason and Debarshi and their entirely unique fine tuned Red Carpet SEO service you’re in position to put Jimmy’s mind breaking Magic Money Box software in play for your agency and for your affiliate and Ecom efforts.

Now let's begin the specific rundown of what this Red Carpet DFY SEO Webflow site offer IS and IS NOT!

It is for sure not any sort of barrier between you and taking incredible advantage of Jimmy’s Magic Money Box software and program. It’s a smart jumpstart on that instead.

To give you an example: Let’s imagine you identify a potential client, or decide that you yourself want to go into Amazon in 2024.

You will either have, or not have the additional website and on page SEO resources to set up your entities and avoid Google Panda filters with your website

If you can turn to Jason and Debarshi to get the entities set up and the site implemented in the cases where you don’t have the resources, then that’s the difference between winning or losing on a deal.

Maybe you have the resources for deal 1 and 2. But then deal 3 comes along and it’s time to get outside resources in play. That’s what Jason and Debarshi will be doing for you, one way or another.

So if you want to get on the inside track for that now is the time.

You do not need to join this Red Carpet DFY City SEO Webflow Website offer now to take advantage of anything with Jimmy in the future, nor do you need to when you want to work with Jason and Debarshi.

But if you have the resources free to join, without strain, then wow is this a great leap frog ahead.

So what does this website look like and how will it get built out?

For one thing the hosting is on Webflow and costs $23/month (billed yearly), which is a great deal in our opinion, for the speed and graphics impact of a Webflow site.

You Will Get This Website

Please note! You do not in any way need to get Jason and Debarshi to build our website.

But no matter who you are, beginner to top expert, it will advance you.

Here's who this is for:

You might be looking to get started in the right way.

To have something to show yourself and others, and to begin to understand a solid process to scale for yourself, or to blow up clients. You’ve got something that you made happen, with our help. And it has results and is a show off to others.

You might be looking to turn your investment into income… Better still profit… And if you’re like every other Insightful Interested Intermediate, you’re looking to not just succeed, but also never go back.

Maybe clients canceled! Maybe that hot affiliate or Ecom offer you were promoting dried up for 1000 different reasons! Maybe you ran into personal and business issues like a crooked partner or a bang up with a significant other.

But as AAA you may be starting to realize, in this case smartly, that it’s time to stack that experience in your favor and rack up not thousands but hundreds of thousands, or even maybe millions.

It’s appearing for you in your thoughts, your visions, that there’s a really big picture here. And why can’t you, at least if you especially dot your I’s, and dot your T’s in an especially exciting way, that you’re batting for the bleachers.

The whole REASON Jimmy joined forces with David Mills and I on Magic Money Box is catching individuals in a special moment in time is to either level people up from BBBs, IIIs, and AAAs to become MMMs!

That’s because the whole deeper idea of Magic Money Box is to take an MMM and help make them generational wealth. When you win we win. When you win BIG we win BIG.

As you’ve already started to find out out, and as you will further discover, the biggest wins David, Jimmy, Russell and I can obtain will come with you scoring touchdown after touchdown!

We want 2024 to begin a dynasty of Super Bowl proportion wins for your money-getting profits!

Who is Jason Shaffer?

I met Jason Shaffer in the cafeteria at Centreville High School around 35 years ago.

We were both on the wrestling team, and then really connected through Dungeons and Dragons.

I introduced Jason to David Mills around 30 years ago, and they became fast friends, and Jason even became a part of our Professional Magic: The Gathering team, Tongo Nation.

When David and I opened our game store The End Game Center, in Charlottesville, Virginia, Jason helped launch it as our first manager.

After we closed the store to focus online, Jason started learning about SEO and especially focusing on SEO content, and local SEO.

Now his eyes are squarely on AI prompts and how we go from posting a page, to that page not just ranking quickly, but getting buyer leads from them.

Who is Debarshi?

Debarshi joined the original OMG, as somebody who was already a top level web designer.

He now leads many of Groove Digital’s design teams.

Outside of his senior position at Groove he maintains an extraordinary boutique web design agency focused on SEO design and webflow.

Today Debarshi usually teams up with Jason to pump out incredible looking web pages that rank and make money!

Here's what happens when you get a Red Carpet DFY SEO site.

Luke Gray made his first $40,000 per month all from leads from his SEO client site which ranked #4 for Adelaide SEO. Others have made as much or more with the same thing.

When you join you’ll have the opportunity to give Jason and Debarshi the following information:

Then Debarshi will organize his side of the project, the website creation:

We will have a monthly checklist of tasks on a google sheet.

There will be one tab for one month with the tasks that we will be doing for that month.

Debarshi hand selected this method for you and his excellent team to have a shared environment where you can watch as updates happen.

You’ll get a joint progress report from Jason and Debarshi at the end of the first 3 months.

By the end of the first 3 months we anticipate your site will be complete.

It could happen faster, and we’re taking people first come first serve, so if you want to be at the front of the line don’t wait till New Years day to join!

But either way in about 100 days you will have a bright shiny new City SEO website, and it will be just in time for Jimmy to open his Magic Money Box for you!

PLEASE NOTE! If you take our incredibly generous payment plan then your site will be completed months before your payment plans.

(That’s why it’s especially important to make sure you’re going to be able to make payments on your own, reliably before you join!)

Depending on whether your site is in a small market or a big city, the size will vary, as there’s two different options to join.

Your site will come complete with complimentary email setup in a free Zoho account, and it will have an email contact form for people to contact you for help. It will also attractively display your phone number.

There are so many people I know who have made $100,000 per month or more with their City SEO site start to finish, for month after month year after year.

Those people were especially attentive to the process and took it seriously, building one day at a time. Just like Luke Gray did.

A single SEO deal averages $30,000 for Luke over the next year.

Jason Shaffer recently signed a new SEO client. It was $30,000 for this year as well.

But your Done For You website won’t cost you $100,000 or even $30,000.

The Red Carpet Done For You Excellence package, designed with cities with less than 500,000 residents, or competitive smaller cities, is only $999.

You’d expect the payment plan to be $399 per month for 3 months, which would be MORE than fair.

But I’ve asked Jason and Debarshi to especially go out on the limb on this project and do an incredible $99 per month payment plan spread over the entirety of 2024 – 12, monthly payments.

If you’re in a larger or more competitive market, then we have the Red Carpet Done For You Overdrive package.

That costs $1999 as a one time payment. Or you can have it for $199 per month, again for 12 months.

Red Carpet Testimonial

The Red Carpet team's help and assistance has been invaluable for me…

They're always adding cool new features and are quick to fix my goof-ups, usually in hours. Big help in making my site look great and work better. They never once said no

These extraordinary generous plan is meant to make things super simple for somebody with a steady job, or if you really like cash flow friendly plans.

It’s NOT meant for somebody to come in and expect to make future payments from the money they make from their DFY website, even if it takes you over a year to land your first deal because of it.

Either way, those who join are getting one heck of a deal.

These sites could easily cost you 3 to 5 times as much in time and money for you to do it yourself or to try to find experts to help.

Now I made a significant ask of Jason and Debarshi to shoulder these payment plans. So I extended an offer that would make things easier for them, and help you in the same time.

So I’ll be the one answering email questions you have about your site personally from mike personal email address.

All sales are final: PLEASE NOTE! When you purchase this program you will get an SEO website for your city with your details personalizing it. And you’re expected to make all of your payments, as this is like buying a car or a fridge on a pay plan, not a subscription.

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