A little over 100 days ago, 100 ordinary people joined a small underground mastermind based on building a high power agency with little to no up front capital or advertising budget. In the time since those 100 members have done over 1 million dollars! Yes! But don’t wait! Timing is limited

Here's The Incredible Replay:

Click here for the Magnum Opus Webinar Workbook!

Maps Software 7-Minute Golden Sneak Peek!

Update: Since this video, 1 month ago, Carradean has made an astonishing 18 maps sales! And the handful of members with early access made many more EACH in just the last week or two!

We've caught Luke Gray and Caradean at exactly the right time in 2023, with the exact 4 "perfect storm" of ingredients for you to crush it with your new or existing digital agency

From the desk of: David Mills,
Franklin, TN

The dream is alive and well in 2023:

 I personally caught the bug to work for myself rather than be “in the system” and under an employer back when I was 20.  The idea was scary and confusing, but, luckily, I was even more scared and repulsed by the idea of being trapped in a job and trapped by authority figures.  My first of many problems was, I didn’t have any idea of even what I didn’t have any idea of.  All I had was a dream plus a sense of what I didn’t want.

 Looking back, a great way to look at reliably making money on your own is this: it need not be about being a star (which nowadays, in peoples’ minds, usually means a social media star of some type).  

 Normally, when people think about being wealthy, they imagine being a star of some sort.  Or, maybe they imagine having a breakthrough idea, app, etc., which basically amounts to the same “star” idea. However, the reality is, unless you are a natural or get quite lucky, it is far better to go the route of myself and so many others: learn a specialized skillset that looks complex  to others and can be offered as a service, and combine that with developing basic marketing know-how.  I know very few stars, but I know of hundreds and hundreds who have followed this reliable route – a route that also has unlimited upside profit potential with little up-front investment.

 (Although we are focused on having your own digital marketing agency in this program, affiliate marketing and ecommerce websites can also be seen as “complex specialized services” that you are providing and marketing.  So can learning appliance repair, roofing contracting, etc.)

  You can absolutely reach the $20,000/month level, and then scale even into the 6 figures per month, via this method of acquiring a “complex” service skillset plus an understanding of how to market your skillset to get yourself clients and/or customers. I put “complex” in quotes, because with the right coaching, these skills can often be picked up within a few months.

 Next, let’s dive into a specialty of mine, the service where I made my multi-multi millions to the point where I am essentially retired at this point in my life, which involves understanding the elements that make a coaching program really work wonders for its members.  I’ve developed an expertise of the exact elements that will lead to the success of coachees and members, if a coaching program has each and every one of them.

 (Normally, when people consider joining a coaching program, they only realize to look for one or two of these 4 elements.  They tend to focus, once again, on a coach that is a “star” rather than a “perfect storm” program that really has what they need to ensure success.)


 1) Are the coach(es) people you RESPECT and WANT TO BE LIKE (in this area of work/life) right now, currently?

The devil here is in the details.  This is far more nuanced than it can seem on the surface.  It is actually quite rare to find a person who is currently at a breakthrough level of understanding of their field, as opposed to somebody who can just show some impressive-looking past accomplishment.  Also, as opposed to somebody who can boast of having a bunch of followers and/or customers.  “Best selling author” etc.

Furthermore, there is a world of difference between a star as a figurehead for a program, vs. who is actually doing your coaching.  You need to be careful about who is the actual person doing the actual training, as opposed to the figurehead star with all those followers who wrote a book.

By analogy, a child in grade school is going to have one of three outcomes from a particular teacher – bad, ignore, or copy: they’ll either conclude that learning that topic is distasteful, or they ignore the topic and waste their time, or they learn how to be a schoolteacher. In other words, getting coached is like apprenticing, so in grade school, a child is apprenticing to be a schoolteacher, period.  They either hate it, or waste their time, or learn about being a schoolteacher.  However, everybody is convinced that there is a big 4th option, which is that they are “learning” some supposed topic or skill other than what the coach really actually does.

This means that it is critical, as an entrepreneur, to look at what the coach is is actually doing.  An author about how to create wealth is very possibly… an author, first and foremost.  If you want to get coached about how to be an author, they might be the right person for you… if the other 3 elements are also in place.  But if you want to create wealth, they likely aren’t a great source of coaching.

Luke and Caradean are currently, right this moment, riding their wave of breakthrough understanding as a small digital agency, with personal profit of approximately $100,000 per month, each.  If you find that they they are likeable to you as you watch them on the webinar that goes with this page, you have found your gold mine for 2023 and beyond.


If you also want to be coached by the best… you can’t go wrong with them.  I personally am unaware of any other 1-2 person agencies doing anywhere near their profits.  Their system is also the best I’ve seen for getting leads, turning them warm, and signing them up.  And their SEO is cutting edge, using semi-automation and AI to its fullest extent without over-relying on it in the wrong ways.

 2) Is what the coach is doing… DUPLICATABLE?

I actually have not personally done much coaching about making money, for this very reason.  I don’t really feel that my own route to becoming a multi-millionaire is all that duplicatable.

I’ve also seen people use hard-to-replicate special advantages, or just have the advantage of some sort of guru-status, to get clients, and then pass that off as easy to copy for others without those perks.  Luke and Caradean’s system relies on none of that.

Luke and Caradean’s method, the one they’ve been using for months and likely for years to come (probably with small tweaks over time), is the very essence of duplicatable.  It also doesn’t rely on spamming cold leads, so each person using their method will only be reaching a miniscule amount of the massive pool of prospects, so other members using it won’t affect each other.  This is part of why they are happy to teach others.

 3) Is the coach ENGAGED?

Luke and Caradean love what they have done, and are currently doing, in their small (but massively profitable) digital agency.  As I write this, they are putting the finishing touches on their training inside of your members area.  Each day, Mike Long and I get excited messages from them about how much members will benefit from the most recent A-Z training video that they’ve made.  They are already energetically interacting with the first group of early members.

Engagement is massive because as a member receiving coaching, you need their energy and enthusiasm (and answers and help) to meet you halfway.  Providing all of the forward momentum on your own is likely too big of a lift.  Like a performer on stage, where the energy of the crowd is critical in meeting you halfway, as a member getting coached, you are going to do so much better if the coach’s energy is there with you pulling you forward.  Of course, the same works the other way, where your positive energy and momentum helps Luke and Caradean as well.  If you aren’t ready to meet them halfway, this program likely isn’t a fit for you. 

 4) Is your PROGRESS RECOGNIZED and encouraged?

One of the specialties of Mike Long and myself, working together, is to create a community where people can rise up and be encouraged, including if they have success and just want to “boast” about it.  With the right culture, we can all understand that everybody wins when people can share their successes, as well as receive answers and/or encouragement if that is needed instead.  It isn’t bragging to let us know, or to let the group know, as you get your agency website all set up and finished, and again when you start to get prospects in your pipeline, and again as you get your first, second, third, and additional clients! 

We want to hear those things.  Nobody needs to be in any race with anybody else.  People join at different times, and have their own circumstances, and their own luck, etc.  However, we can learn tips, and also gain encouragement, from hearing what caused other members’ successes.  This is especially true as those who share their successes encourage and help others in the group.  There is no prize or status to be had from having a success.  Status, to the extent that it exists at all, comes from helping and encouraging others… but sharing successes is part (only part) of that.

 Pricing and Refund Policy:

 In my humble opinion, this coaching program is the perfect size, in terms of how much training there is, and the price.  Therefore, the price should be great news as you read it.  Although Luke and Caradean’s success could easily anchor a $25,000 mastermind or at least $1000/month for a year, we’ve made things smaller than that.  Their method is brilliant, tested, duplicatable, and massively profitable, but it isn’t all that complex!  Their program, TIA for True Intelligence [digital] Agency, is 10 payments of $299, monthly.  

It is a payment plan that ends automatically after the 10 payments, not a subscription.  Support, community, and live support and acceleration webinars will continue for quite some time, but the recording content and training itself – the A-Z method – is not dripped out, so that you can hit the ground running.  It is all there for you right now (although of course more can be added)!

Regarding refunds, please read this – our policy is designed (by me) to ensure success and pleasantness all around. First of all, future payments after the first will be canceled upon request (give us at least 3 days notice for logistical reasons), no questions asked, but we ask that now, when you purchase, you do so with the honest intention of paying the full plan.  Refunds for already-made payments will not be given, however.  This cuts down on unpleasant busy work, and also refunds actually cost us money both coming and going (about $30 per $299 refund). 


👉 Here is the pay plan option 👈: $299/mo

 (One payment of $299 now, and then 9 more payments, monthly of $299.)

👉 Here is the full pay option 👈: $2,399

 (This is for one single payment, no further payments needed.)

Please note: If you any questions, please email Mike Long at mike@mikelong.com!